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Ready to do your own scavenger hunt?

We want to hear about how your scavenger hunt goes! Send us photos of what you found! 

1. Tag, or dm us on instagram


2. submit your photos and one question you have below! 


Everyone who sends us photos of what they found, and one question, will be entered to win a pack of Pacific Northwest Plant Knowledge Cards: 


“Pacific Northwest Plant Knowledge cards highlight 65 edible and medicinal plants. The cards describe traditional uses and ways of harvesting each plant and feature Indigenous  languages, including Lkwungen, SENĆOŦEN, Hul’q’umi’num and diitiidʔatcsx.”

Stay in the loop and follow us on Social Media

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

CRFAIR supports the development of this network by hosting its communication tools, generating funding for coordination of network activities, and coordinating the Good Food Summit. 

CRFAIR and the Good Food Network promote healthy and sustainable food systems.  This considers our relationships with each other, and the land and waters of this region.  We endeavour to honour the land and its treaties by strengthening our relationship and responsibilities to them. We live and work on unceded Coast Salish Territories*, specifically of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees) and Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) Nations here in the core area, the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations {W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱,(Tsawout) W̱SIKEM (Tseycum)} out on the Saanich Peninsula and Gulf Islands, to the west Sc'ianew (Beecher Bay), T’Sou-ke, and Pacheedaht, and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) and Pune’laxutth’ (Penelekut) Nations.

©2019 by The Good Food Network. Proudly created with

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