Purpose: To connect and align our efforts and work together towards a healthy and sustainable food system in the Capital Region.
Network Activities
Hover your mouse over each box to learn more
Network members share their work through our annual summit, roundtables mailing list communications and face to face meetings.
Policy Advocacy
We work together with decision makers to make or change policy that impacts our food system and the people in the region. Read the Good Food Strategy Primer to learn more about areas of policy work.
Align our Work
Through establishing shared goals we work to determine our roles and the best use of our combined skills and resources to achieve those goals. Check out our Good Food Strategy Primer and Good Food Strategy Update to learn more.
Learning Community
We build network capacity through supporting the development of our skills and sharing best practices.
The cumulative activity of the network is the Good Food Summit. Held annually in November, the Good Food Summit is an opportunity the network to come together for hands-on workshops, site tours, celebrating successes, and building momentum for the year ahead.
To be a member, all you need to do is agree to the principles of Good Food, and pledge to further them. You can join as an individual or as an organization, but what is common is that you believe that "together we are stronger." and proactively work to align your work towards some common goals that we have identified as a network (see our collective impact strategy). You can share your work through face to face meetings, the Good Food Summit and through other network activities.